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It has been said: Look for where God is working and join him in His endeavor. But often times we have avoided mission work because it could involve flying to an unfamiliar country, giving up the comforts and security of home, learning a new language and/or leaving friends and family behind. Intimidating? Yes!BUT did you know there is a mission field right in our own backyard where you could fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-19) as we are commanded by God to do? God has been working at WARM for many years, as evidenced by the women who are now attending Riverbend weekly.Only 20 miles from our church, lives are being renewed by God’s glorious grace. God is using women from Riverbend who are willing to be those clay vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7) who let their God-given gift shine into the lives of other women. Investing in a labor of love, teaching the Word of God, praying and sharing are the cornerstones of the WARM (Women Assisting Recovering Mothers) ministry.As God opens hearts and minds, women’s lives are transformed, lifestyles are changed, and women are drawn into His Kingdom. We have the opportunity and the privilege to be part of His great work.If you would like to learn more about this ministry, please contact:Susan Dorner (757-604-6323 or sbdorner1@gmail.com) or Diane Miller (386-316-4709 or dianecmiller@aol.com)