Join us Sundays at 9am for BFG's & 10:30am for Worship Service

Riverbend seeks to break the larger church body into smaller groups. We do this in a variety of ways. Our goal and desire is to explore the mysteries of Christ, with one another, as we join in small groups (1 John 1:1-4). On Sunday morning we meet in groups called Bible Fellowship Groups, or BFGs. There are groups for all ages, from infants to the elders. The variety of groups provides a way to connect on Sundays and throughout the week. Here are the current groups and their meeting places:

Children [in Kingdom Corner]

Infants - 5th Grade

Leader: Hope Hargrave


Youth [in Youth Center]

Middle School & High School

Leader: Aaron Johnsen


Crossroads [in Room 807]

College & Young Adults

Leader: Heyward Evans


Growing in Christ [in Choir Room]

All Ages & Guests

Leader: Bobby Caliendo


New Life [in Room 705]

Ages 20s - 40s

Leader: Andrew Mills


Gospel Life [in Room 300 B & C]

Ages 40s - 50s

Leaders: Jason Karr & Brian Giaquinto


Sojourners [in Room 704]

Age 60-up

Leader: Jerry Schaeffer


Spirited Saints [in Room 706]

Age 60-up

Leader: Gary Giovanni


Grace Abounding [in Room 804]

Age 60-up

Leader: Dan Wishnietsky


Joy [in Room 210]

Senior Ladies

Leader: Donna Ruttan


Faith-Full [in Room 704]

Special Education (All Ages)

Leader: Anand Ramsaran





Interested in joining a Bible Fellowship Group? 

Email for more information.