Join us Sundays at 9am for BFG's & 10:30am for Worship Service



Teaching Elder

Josh Brown grew up at Riverbend Community Church from age 7. He was saved, discipled and later called to serve in Riverbend's ministry. He met his wife, Victoria, through a church-sponsored mission trip, and they were married in 2015. Josh and Victoria then moved to Colorado Springs for four years while he attended seminary at New Covenant School of Theology. While in Colorado, their first son, Grayson, was born. He was born with HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome) and had two open heart surgeries in Colorado. Grayson handled those surgeries well and, despite the difficulties, had a loving, joyful personality. Josh received his Master of Divinity degree in 2018, and he was called back to ministry at Riverbend in 2019.

Josh and Victoria’s second son, Wesley, was born in 2020. Unexpectedly, Grayson became sick in September 2022 and passed away shortly thereafter on October 1. It was  devastating to the family, but God continues to provide comfort. Josh and Victoria often describe feeling like they have "one foot in heaven and one foot on earth." They continue to live with Scripture in mind: “To live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

During 2019-24, Josh served as Riverbend's Director of Young Family Ministries & Vacation Bible School. He was then called to be Riverbend's teaching elder. 



 Pastor of Evangelism & Outreach

Bobby Caliendo’s favorite ministry activities are evangelism and spending time with Heather, his wife of 16 years, and their four boys. He enjoys m teaching, preaching, discipleship, counseling, foster/adoptive care, as well as outreach opportunities that involve surfing and coaching youth sports. Bobby earned a finance degree from Stetson University, a Masters in Accounting from the University of Virginia, and worked as a financial analyst and CPA for 10 years before responding to God’s call into the ministry. Bobby earned his Master's of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2017 and was ordained as an elder at Riverbend in 2019.





Pastor of Finance & Administration

Brian Giaquinto has served in various ministry positions throughout his life, including Teaching Pastor at a church in South Florida, church finance & business administrator, Sunday school teacher and community group director. He also manages his own part-time law firm in Ormond Beach. Brian has served in the U.S. Army in the Military Police Corps at various locations around the world. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Finance and his Juris Doctorate at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.  He and his wife, Andrea, have been blessed to serve in ministry together. They have four adult children (two are married) and two grandchildren.  




Lay Pastor

Gary Giovanni was ordained an Elder at Riverbend on April 26, 2020. Born in White Plains, New York, in 1947, he and his family moved to DeLeon Springs in 1952. He graduated from DeLand High School in 1965, the same year he achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He married the former Linda Gulick in 1969. Gary earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Florida in 1972 and served as an Air Force Reserve medic during 1966-72. He professed Christ as His savior as an 11-year-old at DeLeon Springs Methodist Church. He taught school for 2.5 years and then began, with Linda, a 31-year career as a motel owner in Ormond Beach (now retired). He had served as a deacon, Sunday School teacher and in other ministry positions for 25 years in his previous church. His family joined Riverbend in 2000, and he has served as a Bible Fellowship Group teacher and Life Seminar teacher, as well as on the Riverbend Academy Board of Directors. He and Linda have two daughters (Elizabeth Pendry and Erica Baez) and three grandsons.




Pastor of Education

Jason Karr is in his 32nd year of ministry and 23rd year at Riverbend. He pastored Ormond-by-the Sea’s North Peninsula Baptist Church for 2.5 years prior to coming to Riverbend. He also served at Skycrest Baptist in Clearwater nearly four years, including a period as interim pastor. He has Master's of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and is also an alum of Stetson University in DeLand. Jason serves as Headmaster at Riverbend Academy, the church's K3-12 school. He has served on Riverbend mission trips to Belarus, Russia, South Africa-Mozambique. He and wife Donna (who teaches at Riverbend Academy) have five children and five grandchilden.




Pastor of Communications, Membership & Senior Adults

Jerry Schaeffer is in his 32nd year of ministry (31st at Riverbend). Over the years he has also served Riverbend as Pastor of Evangelism, Pastor of Education, Pastor of Ministry Development. He has a Master’s degree in mass communication from Arkansas State University and has done doctoral work in Biblical Studies at Master’s School of Divinity ... He formerly was a magazine editor with the Southern Baptist Convention, a newspaper sports editor, a radio sports announcer, and an assistant athletic director & sports information director at Arkansas State. Jerry is anArmy veteran who served as officer in the  Vietnam war, earning the Bronze Star. He has led six Riverbend mission trips: Honduras (five times) and Belarus. He and wife Pat (formerly a members of the church's music staff) have two daughters (Amy Nielsen & Laura Johnsen) and eight grandchildren.